Are You Waking Up Now?
Dear Seekers of the Mystery,
I’m excited to have released a new song, Waking Up Now, a call to all awakening souls to come together for remembering and embodying our ancient power and wisdom. I started writing it while recognizing the power I had allowed to leak out without me even realizing it for my entire life. It’s about awakening to the fact that I wouldn’t be free unless I fully surrendered to the call of the Divine attempting to move me towards my destiny and soul purpose. We don’t know the confines of our culture until we awaken and connect to our heart’s desire and longing, and truly identify the many reasons we use to procrastinate following this path.
For me, the song is about taking back my power and stepping into heart-centered leadership. It’s about choice, personal freedom, and a plea for Divine assistance to keep us rooted during times of unrest and radical change. It’s about ascension through the body into a New Earth consciousness.
Music has been with me since before I was born and is who I am at my core. Sound, resonance, vibration, and voice seem like particularly important medicine to share at this time. There’s a freedom in music when we hear it, play it, or allow it to vibrate through us. Since the beginning of humanity, we used sound and inspired song to uplift our mood, connect with the Divine, and open us up to release what is needed to heal ourselves.
I started writing and performing later in life but have played music since I was 5 or 6. I started with piano, then picked up the guitar in my 20’s. After moving out west and delving into consciousness exploration through shamanic breathwork and rebirthing, I wrote my first prayer/chant. It was a very simple three-chord, nature-inspired melody after a powerful breathwork journey. I sang it over and over as tears streamed down my face. That was the moment I learned to use my voice as medicine for my soul. It sealed the experience for me and allowed me to integrate it further through this form of expression.
I hope to assist in ushering in the Divine Feminine way of living from the heart in truth, beauty, and spiritual integrity. I wanted a way to bring music into my spiritual service work. Sacred Roots Music is part of the vision of the Tree of Life Mystery School. Sacred Roots songs and chants follow themes of the mystical. They are earth-based “New Earth gospel”, as well as songs of seeking, longing, and awakening. The video images for “Waking Up Now” were taken over the last couple of months, Oct/Nov 2021, at the Forgotten Coast of Florida, the Tallahassee Lichgate tree, and Trails at Fontanel, Whites Creek, TN. I hope this song opens your heart like it did mine, a good kind of cracking open.
Song Credits:
Jenna Longmire: vocals and keys
John Painter: producer, guitar, bass, horns
Bobby Huff: drums
Emily Dodson: lyric video