Jenna Longmire

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Happy Easter and Hail Goddess Resurrectrix!!!

Long before the bible came along, stories of the death of a king and his resurrection through the magick of his goddess ran across the cultures of ancient Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. We’re talking about Innana, Ishtar, and Isis. As we approach Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, I would like to highlight the goddess who was with Jesus/Yeshua from the time he died on Good Friday until he rose again on Easter. Mary Magdalene was mistakenly known for being a prostitute when in fact she was a healer and sexual priestess. By the time the bible came along, patriarchy was well established and women were left out of the stories as the key players they were. As awakening souls, we are waking up to the fact that Mary Magdalene was another incarnation of the goddess, and her magick was misrepresented as prostitution. We know that Mary was the only one with Jesus after he died. She anointed him and was the first to see him resurrected. And so, what does that tell us about the ancient sexual mysteries? 

Joseph Campbell connected a lot of dots for me and gave me the perspective that human myths and stories repeat themselves over and over because it’s a way of attempting to understand our human experience. He writes in his book, Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine, about the many stories of resurrection that came before the story of Jesus all involving a goddess/high priestess. We have many stories of a Divine marriage between the masculine and feminine, yin and yang, anima and animus. After all, isn’t that how we got here? We are humans with a drive to create life in its many forms. I’d like to think we are here to evolve, rebirth ourselves, and rise again and again until we are ready to leave this Earth plane.

Returning to Inanna, the Sumerian Cosmic goddess and queen of heaven, let’s just say she was THE Goddess of all. She is Mother, Warrior, and Sensual/Sexual Priestess. She is most famous for descending to the underworld. Gods and goddesses did that a lot in pre-Christianity because it wasn’t called hell and it was part of the cycle of death and rebirth, the seasons, and cycles of life. Inanna/Ishtar/Ashera were all associated with the Tree of Life. Inanna, in her attempt to take control of the underworld, was sentenced to death which helped her lose her ego. After being completely stripped down of all her earthy comforts, jewels, and crown, she was hung on a meathook and resurrected 3 days later.

She was later worshipped under the name Ishtar in Babylon who was best known for her sex magick. Meanwhile, we have Isis in Egypt with probably the best resurrection story. Isis is known to be one of the most magickal goddesses of all. Definitely look up the entire story but to summarize Osiris was murdered by his evil brother, dismembered, and strewn about Egypt. Isis, with the help of her sister, managed to reassemble her dismembered husband Osiris. She found all his dismembered body parts except his phallus which was said to have been eaten by the fish creating the holy waters of the Nile. She fashions a phallus out of gold, according to one version of the story, brings him back to life and impregnates herself with the Divine child Horus, the most famous falcon-headed god in Egypt.

In conclusion, as we circle back to Mary Magdalene, I’d like to note that her gnostic writings were lost until very recently. If you haven’t read them yet, I highly recommend doing so. In my opinion, her teachings bring the Divine Feminine back to Christianity because they explain how human sin, is part of being human. Much like Eve’s natural curiosity was turned into something shameful, my Mary Magdalene interpretation is that by acknowledging our shadowy sinful side, we actually develop the qualities of compassion, grace, and mercy. Talk about Divinely Feminine! I think I’ll stop here and bask in some Mary Magdalene high vibes. Happy Easter! Christ and his Divine Feminine lover have risen!


The Gospel of Mary Magdalene commentary by Jean-Yves Leloup, translated by Joseph Rowe

  • This book is really good for going through the teachings of Mary with solid scholarly commentary.

Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet by Meggan Watterson

  • This is one woman’s personal spiritual journey with Mary Magdalene along with her take on Mary’s teachings. Amazing!

The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon & Judi Sion 

  • This book was channeled, FYI. I recommend taking what resonates knowing that we don’t have proof but the connection between Mary Magdalene and Isis is pretty obvious to me. My favorite thing is the sexual meditation practices included.

For Additional Reading Suggestions, Please Check Visit Bibliography on Our Resources Page or Click The Button Below.

Mary Magdalene - Suggested reading

The Gospel of Mary Magdalene commentary by Jean-Yves Leloup, translated by Joseph Rowe

  • This book is really good for going through the teachings of Mary with solid scholarly commentary.

Mary Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven’t Tried Yet by Meggan Watterson

  • This is one woman’s personal spiritual journey with Mary Magdalene along with her take on Mary’s teachings. Amazing!

The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus & The Sex Magic of Isis by Tom Kenyon & Judi Sion 

  • This book was channeled, FYI. I recommend taking what resonates knowing that we don’t have proof but the connection between Mary Magdalene and Isis is pretty obvious to me. My favorite thing is the sexual meditation practices included.

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