Jenna Longmire

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I get it. I’ve been there . . . .

I wasn’t wounded by the church, but something was missing for me. In college I noticed I didn’t have the same goals as a lot of my girlfriends. My focus was on having adventures, changing the world, bringing people healing and freedom from suffering. I valued the arts, books, and nature.

I have been highly motivated to achieve personal growth and realized quickly that a career and marriage wasn’t enough. I wanted more and felt shame about it. Why couldn’t I be content with what other women wanted? Why couldn’t I be satisfied? My spirit felt restless, always seeking.

I was taught not to make others uncomfortable by coming on too strong, too bright, too bold, too powerful, too sexual, too big for my britches. I felt split between two worlds. I felt wild with my head in the clouds. I wanted to make art, create, sing, dance, sit in sacred circle with like minded spiritual seekers. Sound familiar?