The Tree Of Life Priestess Temple is founded on the deep truth that healing and self-discovery take place in intentional communities that honor both ancient and modern systems of knowledge. We anchor sacred community and safe-containing by practicing the following values in all we do:
We honor the Divine Feminine by following a collaborative and inclusive teaching, learning, and leading paradigm, where clarity and guidance at the leadership level, are offered as "power with" rather than "power over."
In all we do together, we will practice respect, honesty, humility, curiosity, courage, and the values contained in this commitment. We understand that neither we nor our space together will be perfect, but it will be our shared, sacred space and we will work on it side by side.
We hold sacred the confidence of each other, our relationships, and the questions, stories, and offerings that occur in our connections. We practice honor and respect in the holding of confidences recognizing others' stories; they are not ours to tell.
We honor right relationship in our community by addressing tension in the field without delay, each committed to repairing splits as they occur.
We support, celebrate, and amplify belonging, inclusion, and diversity in all their beautiful forms. We are committed to addressing and making conscious any expression of unconscious bias, bigotry, oppression, or discrimination. We strive to call out these expressions in a manner that calls in each individual to greater safety, equity, inclusion, and liberation.
We protect the sanctity of great wisdom teachings, while defending the personal calling of each student through direct revelation.
We function in a good relational way, doing with, never “to” or “for.” We strive to uphold mutuality, reciprocity, and fair energetic exchange with each other, with the School, and those with whom we serve, employ, amplify, and partner.
We practice embodied spirituality inviting others into the truth of their sovereignty, autonomy, and empowerment.
We model strength through vulnerability, receptivity, and transparency.
We communicate clearly and honestly as members of this community both within and without the School, making clear requests and giving voice to needs as they occur.
We honor right cadence, creating room for Guidance, intuition, and sacred spaciousness in the workings and offerings of the School.
We strive to be adaptable while being deeply rooted; grounded always in the organic and Alchemical unfolding of the School.
We commit and recommit to our own individual work, development, and self-care as the bedrock of our spiritual offerings and calling.
I pledge to honor and uphold the values of the Tree of Life Wisdom School in word, deed, and Spirit.
— Jenna Longmire, Founder & Priestess Guide