My Journey & Priestess Training


I am an American woman living in Nashville, TN. My family is from east Tennessee and I grew up in Louisville, KY. I have been a conscious light worker operating in the world as a psychotherapist and healer since the 90s. I have been seeking truth and spiritual insight since I first became awakened to women’s ways of knowing in college in my women’s studies and psychology classes. As soon as I could, I moved west where I believed I would come in contact with more progressive schools of thought, and landed in Tucson, AZ. My guidance was correct and I was fortunate to learn from many gifted teachers along the way in AZ, NM, VT, and finally landing in Nashville.


Awakening has come to me through creativity, being in nature, and following the Divine guidance that there is something much bigger than the limited physical reality we experience — this awakening may be variously called the Goddess, God, Universe, Divine Love, Source, Creator or the Great Mystery. I have sought growth and evolution through creative expression, psychotherapy, energy work, breathwork, plant medicine, yoga, meditations, journeys, and the practice of Presence. Music has been a huge part of my life and spiritual path. I look forward to developing Sacred Roots Music, a platform for sharing Earth-based, Native, or mystically inspired songs and chants. Sacred roots music, both original and resurrected, is to assist in connecting with the Divine.

Jenna Longmire, MA, LPC is a licensed psychotherapist, musician, singer-songwriter, healer, Priestess Mentor, Soul Guide, and founder of the Tree of Life Temple and Mystery School based in Nashville, TN. She has spent her life seeking the ways of the Great Mystery and the source of human suffering. She writes about the Divine Feminine and spiritual awakening in her songs, memoir, and Mystery School curriculum. She has studied energetic, shamanic, and somatic healing modalities and explored the Divine Feminine and feminist spirituality for over 25 years. After spending many years in private practice as a healer and psychotherapist, she is ready to share her healing medicine and sacred roots music with a world in crisis.


Ancestral – Celtic & Norse

Priestess – Center for the Sacred Feminine, Donna Rabuck, Tucson, AZ

Reiki – Kenneth Roberts in the lineage of Hawayo Takata

Shamanic Breathwork, Awakening Presence in the lineage of Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process

Auric Healing – Estuary School of Healing Arts in the lineage of Barbara Brennan

Kabbalistic Healing – Estuary School of Healing Arts in the lineage of Jason Shulman

Merrill Farnsworth Writing Circles – in the lineage of her own mystical connection to the Divine Feminine and the Celtic goddess Brigid

Family Constellations – Camille Adair, Santa Fe, NM in the lineage of Bert Hellinger

Academic - Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology, Spalding University, Louisville, KY